Strange Beeps In The House Today…

 So I suppose I did wake Nix up in the middle of the night, well it was actually early in the morning…4.30am! I thought she might want to accompany me into the garden so we could look for the comet…she didn’t! Unfortunately she read her emails and there was one which meant she then had to be somewhere by 7:30am. She made me come inside and I went to sleep and she had to set her alarm for 7 o’clock so we could jump in the car and head out. So instead of having my normal walk up the boardwalk, I had a walk along the beach down by church. It’s not quite as nice because there’s no boardwalk down that end, but there is a bit of grass that I got to walk on so I didn’t mind too much. 

When we got back Nix put the dishwasher on. When she went to unload it, everything was cold and not washed. There was a major panic over not having a dishwasher but she put it on again and it was all fine so we don’t know what happened there, she probably pressed the wrong button. There were strange ‘beeps’ that kept happening but then Nix realised they were coming from some programme on the TV🫢

I did actually sleep until lunchtime and then we did go up the boardwalk and it was a very nice day again, almost like the summer. We didn’t stay too long because we were meeting Jackie later on to go into town for a coffee and a wander round the churchyard. Nix decided to wash her hair and while she was using the straighteners there were more strange beeps. She turned the TV off but unfortunately they were still there. She’s just Googled it to find that it’s really dangerous and she can’t use them again. This is a major trauma in Nix’s life, she needs those hair straighteners. She decided this was a luxury she had to have and so she went onto the website and to her horror realised that they were nearly £300! Thankfully when she investigated further, she discovered that the original ones were not quite that much, but she still says that there will be no more tins of tuna for my lunch, but I know she’s not serious.

We met Jackie and headed into town and sat outside for a while. It was quite busy really for a weekday. Nix said it’s because there are a lot of old people in Shoreham and they have time to sit around drinking coffee. Lots of them are looking after grandchildren, Nix says she wouldn’t like to be doing that and perhaps it’s a good thing she doesn’t have any children. 

Nix has ordered the straighteners and now she feels guilty… this is a good thing because it means I’ll still get my tin of tuna for lunch 😋

You know how we have lovely banners in our church made by the wonderful  Chris Diebel. Well I think it’s a good job we do have Chris because terrible things can happen otherwise…see pic 🫣


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