Quiet Day Today…


So we’ve had a bit of a quiet day today. Nix thought it would be good not to use the car so we’ve been walking everywhere. I did make Nix laugh this morning, well I think she was laughing 🤔You see I used to like to take my time doing my poos. I would try several locations and keep changing my mind but since Bron recommended Psillium for my anal gland incident I have been pooing perfectly…first attempt. So…this morning I did my poo quite quickly and Nix picked it up. She didn’t realise that unusually I’d done a second one because she then trod in it. I thought it was hilarious but not sure she did, probably too busy thinking about the new rug 🫣

So anyway lunchtime we set out and Nix let me lead the way. I’ll always go over to the churchyard if I have my way, I really like it there. On the way back there was this dog in front of us. It gets walked down our road, I’m not that keen on it to tell you the truth so Nix keeps well away. When we got home Nix reminded me that during our time together there have been numerous dogs that I haven’t liked. I suppose there have been a few over the years, annoying more than anything. 

When I first went to live with Nix in Hove it was the springer spaniel across the road. We used to bark at each other a lot and once the owner of the springer accidentally dropped the lead. The springer came flying across the road but once he got to me we both just stood staring at each other. He left after a while and I turned my attentions to the local vicar’s Jack Russell. I did actually flatten him once but he definitely started it 🫢 We used to walk past his house on our last walk round the block and he’d be going ballistic throwing himself against the window…I thought that was very funny. 

Probably at the same time as the Jack Russell there was the black Labrador on the beach. I used to fly across the beach and try and knock him over, the owner used to go mad and I was threatened with being kept on the lead but I knew Nix would never do that so we just started going at a different time. The next victim was the disabled dog, I didn’t like it, it walked funny. I really blotted my copy book with that one as I was then kept on the lead. Thankfully it moved away and I was released once more. After we moved to Shoreham I spotted the BCJ very quickly and I disliked him on sight. There were numerous incidents with him you may remember…it really stressed Nix out because we never knew when he was going to show up. He moved away quite recently and so my attention is turned to this new dog. I don’t think I’ll be doing any jumping though as my back legs aren’t that strong but I can still give him the dirty looks 🙂

I don’t want to grow old gracefully, I like being naughty and it keeps Nix on her toes if nothing else 😇


  1. You made my day Fripp!!! I understand about certain dogs that you don't like. Your instincts are probably right. Glad you had a nice walk today.


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