Just A Trip Into Town Today With Jackie šŸ™‚


I tried to get Nix to open the doors to the garden last night but I was a bit early. We’d only been back from our walk for a couple of hours and Nix put her foot down. I tried again about 5am and this time it worked. I did a massive wee just to make her feel guilty…I think it worked. Anyway once I’d had my wee and gone back to sleep I didn’t wake up again until 8am. Nix had got up and got dressed and had her breakfast so she was ready to go as soon as I woke up. We headed up the boardwalk and I had lots of energy so I took Nix almost all the way to the fort…I was feeling pretty good. 

Nix looked again at the photo she took when I brought that stuff up from my throat. She realised that she had forgotten that whenever I get the chance I like to eat soil and she’s realised that what she can see in the photo is probably the soil I managed to get to. She’s decided not to bother Bron unless it happens again but the weird thing is that I haven’t made that noise with my throat since I left the deposit on the floor of the bedroom. I was hoping this might mean Nix would let me eat the soil but nope…apparently it’s not good for me. I beg to differ, since I ate the soil I haven’t made the weird noise. 

Nix decided today not to put the heating on today and got under her fleece instead. I was fast asleep when the doorbell went and it was Jackie. I did wake up because although I couldn’t actually hear them I kind of knew someone was there. They had a cup of tea and a piece of cake and then we all went for a walk into town. We’re home now and Nix has put the heating on and I’m off to bed again and we probably won’t go out now until my last walk this evening. 

So…all in all we haven’t done very much today but I think we have both enjoyed the rest. Nix says she’s been really bored but I think she’s been asleep and it’s hard to be bored if you’re asleep.

PS Nix got her fish and chips last night and I got the ends off the fish. She took some photos of the footbridge while we waited for the fish and chips to be ready.


  1. Fish and chips sound delicious!!! Glad you are feeling good and got in a nice walk with Jackie today.


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