A Vist To See Sheila This Afternoon…

 My legs are still a bit wobbly but I’m okay. I’m not liking steps at all as I don’t feel that safe but Nix has a thingy under my tummy to support me so as long as her legs don’t go at the same time as mine we’ll be okay.

We had a bit of a lay in this morning as I had my last wee quite late last night. In the morning I like to stand next to the bed and stare at Nix and she wakes up…that’s very clever isn’t it. She said I nearly gave her a heart attack this morning because she was laying on her side when she woke up and my nose was about one inch away 🤣 Once she’d recovered we had a short walk down the boardwalk and we weren’t gone that long but I still like to have a drink out of my own water bowl when we get home. 

This afternoon we have been to visit Sheila who is recovering at home after breaking her ankle. Edgar her husband was able to go and have a game of bowls while we stayed with Sheila. Nix said it was very interesting because Sheila knows Shoreham and our church from long ago so she had lots of stories. I slept for most of the time because Sheila and Edgar have carpet which was very nice but I did get in my bed in the end. 

When we were setting out to Sheila’s we met Indie with Jackie and Catherine who told us Indie had to go to the vets this morning because she had a small stroke.  She seemed fine, she wanted to go into our house even though we weren’t in there 🙂 We just heard from Jackie that she seems okay now and she’s eaten all her dinner 😋


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