Nix Is Cooking Sausages!


We went right on the beach instead of left this morning, I felt like a change and Nix didn’t want to look at the dead Valerian plants plus it’s a bit of a shorter walk so I didn’t get so tired. I think Nix prefers the walks to be shorter too because she is getting on a bit…80 next year!  It was quite sunny and not so windy either so although it was lovely I did get a bit hot. 

I slept for quite a long time this morning in the the garden and when I woke up my lunch was ready but I didn’t really feel like  eating it. I didn’t eat it yesterday either but I think Nix has finally got the message…I don’t like the cheaper mackerel she thought she would give a try. I prefer the ‘taste the difference’ one and yes I know it costs almost twice as much but I can’t help it if I’ve got expensive taste!

This afternoon we had a short walk along the riverbank and then back through my little wood where it was nice and shady. We only went halfway this time as I was tired and keen to get home. I know Nix is worried about me getting tired but she does too…it’s old age 🙂

Tomorrow I think is going to be a very busy day. First of all we have communion in the morning and then we are going to the vicarage where Nix and Rev Jane will be receiving tuition on how to work the new website. We can only hope that Jane will be better at it than Nix will be, she’s taking a notepad so she can write all the instructions down. We then have to come home and wait in for the Sainsbury’s van with my Taste the Difference mackerel  ðŸ˜‹ After that Nix will have her churchwarden’s hat on and we shall be heading back to the church hall to meet a chap who is going to fix a cupboard door. Not sure how long that will take but Nix will have to lock up after he’s finished so not too long hopefully. After that it will be home for a nice rest 😴


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