I Slept Right The Way Through Happy Birthday To Helena

 I slept right through the service this morning, I didn’t even wake up for Happy Birthday 😴 We didn’t stay too long for coffee because there was a baptism a bit later on and they were going to use the church hall for their celebrations. I was offered a walk round the block before we went home but I didn’t really want to go, I like being home and sleeping in my double donut bed with the French doors open and the breeze on my face. 

This afternoon I really wanted to go over the bridge into town so I could have a sniff round the churchyard but halfway across the bridge the sun came out and Nix thought it might be too much for me so we turned round. I definitely didn’t want to go straight home so Nix let me do one of my favourite things…lead the way. I took us up roads we’d never been to before, it was very exciting, lots of new smells. What was more exciting was what we saw when we arrived at the other end…the beach 😎 Nix has a terrible sense of direction so it was quite a surprise for her. So…I did get a walk home along the beach which was very nice. It was quite busy with people and lots of sailing boats out at sea. I had my lunch and my medication when we got home and then I went to sleep in the garden in the shade which is my second favourite place. 

Tomorrow we have the whole day free…so far. Nix was thinking where we could go where I won’t have to do too much walking but she’s just checked the weather and it is going to be very hot and very sunny. She’s decided the little wood at Southwick hill would be best but we’ll only do half of it. I’m looking forward to that and it’s at the bottom of the hill so no climbing 🙂


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