Very Hot Today, I’ve Been Taking it Easy…

 Well we’ve done absolutely nothing today. Well I say we, what I should say is moi. I suppose we did go to the beach this morning and that was very nice but since then not much really because it’s been too hot. Nix has been down to have a dip in the sea and she rescued a bee that was trying to swim, not very successfully.  I stayed here on my own but soon she’s going to take me for another walk on the beach because she has her meeting this evening. Jo our neighbour is going to come and sit with me and I shall be very well behaved as usual until Nix comes home and then I shall be demanding another walk 🙂

Nix has entered me into a Petplan competition as ‘The Most Entertaining Dog’ 🙂 Don’t worry you won’t have to vote or anything, they decide who wins. Obviously I am the most entertaining dog but we’ll have to wait and see if they get my humour.

3 hours later…

Yay I got another walk on the beach but it is very hot. It’s okay once I’m there but my road is boiling and I don’t much like it. I had my photo taken with some flowers and then we came home. Nix has promised more choices tomorrow after our morning meditation but I think we shall have to drive in the nice cool car and go to a wood somewhere. I do have my eye on a new wood but it’s a bit close to Ditching Beacon which gives Nix nightmares. Something to do with some sheep that had escaped and can I just say that I was herding them up and not chasing them. They could have run onto the road but I overtook them and brought them to a standstill. The farmer wanted to give me a job…well that’s not entirely true but he didn’t shoot me so he must have been pleased. 

Hopefully more news tomorrow 😇


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