The Lancing Ring and We Have a New Sticker for the Door šŸ™‚


You know I haven’t been on Nix‘s bed for quite a long time now. Bron my vet thinks it’s because I’ve got a little bit of arthritis but of course it’s simply because I don’t like Nix coughing or clearing her throat. It’s too much of an effort to jump up there for her to come in and start clearing her throat and then I have to jump off again.  I now have an assortment of beds around the place and I select which ever one takes my fancy. A couple of weeks ago however Nix put on a brand new duvet with a freshly washed duvet cover. I was a little wet and muddy and what’s a chap meant to do, there was the perfect drying opportunity and so yes, I did get up on the bed just the once.  I haven’t been back up there at all until yesterday. One of our neighbours was coming to collect a plant from our garden and you have to walk through the bedroom to get there. We had this very very expensive bed cover from when we used to do bed and breakfast so she put that on to make the room look tidier. It was far too much to resist, it was all smooth and cream, it had to be done. It was very comfortable but I haven’t bothered to go up since.

Today we have been to the Lancing Ring to make up for the fact that we went nowhere yesterday. It’s very overgrown up there which is lovely for the wildlife but it does make it a bit hard to walk. Nix nearly fell over of course because she doesn’t watch where she’s going šŸ™„

We are home now and Nix’s new sticker for the front door has arrived. She is very pleased with it because she says it means she won’t be getting menus for all the local restaurants and lots of other rubbish. Now she says no one will be able to put anything through our letterbox unless it’s addressed to us. As long as any gifts for moi get through then everything will be okay šŸ˜‡


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