I Was Promised Highdown Hill, I Got Buckingham Park 🙄

 It really rained a lot this morning and we got very wet. We turned round and came home a bit sooner than we would normally. Nix said to make it up to me she would take me up to Highdown Hill, another place we’ve never yet visited but keep meaning to. Guess where we ended up, Buckingham Park. I didn’t mind really, I like it there and there’s a café and lots of dogs to meet. It’s a bit like yesterday isn’t it, we were going to the Cissbury Ring but then Nix decided it was too far to drive and so we ended up down by the river. I don’t mind really as long as I have some grass to run on. 

You know when you’re on Facebook and you comment on a post well Nix says that the comments are all over the place now and she’s very sorry if she misses any of them. She says Facebook wants to put the ‘most relevant’ comments first when actually they’re all about me so they’re all relevant aren’t they, I don’t know how they work it out. Nix keeps changing it to ‘most recent’ but it keeps going back again. It’s very annoying apparently 🙂

Tomorrow we are going to see Jenny in her new bungalow so I’m very excited about that. The little planes fly over really low and Nix thinks the pilots can see her when she waves at them. Last time I was able to sleep in the shade in the garden while Nix and Jenny had a cup of tea. It was very relaxing and I wasn’t scared of the planes at all even though they were quite close 🫣

A week this Friday I get my hair cut and I’m really looking forward to that. The following week I have my platelets checked again so hopefully they will be much higher and I think I shall definitely have put on weight because I’ve been eating four meals a day. My Propalin which helps to stop me leaking has been reduced too so I’m feeling pretty good. 

I didn’t mean to knock the collie over in the park, it’s not my fault if he lost his balance and then couldn’t get up again…


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