Cuckoo’s Corner Today…

 I woke up really early this morning and nothing I could do would get Nix to wake up. The staring clearly doesn’t work when she’s asleep and I didn’t want to bark in case I gave her a heart attack so I just paced up and down the bedroom. Finally she woke up and then it was just a case of a low rumble and the stare and she was up because she didn’t want me to start barking. It was only when we got down the other end of the beach that she realised it wasn’t even 7 am, she thought it was a bit quiet, not amused.

Anyway it’s a funny old day today, sunny one minute, raining the next. We had quite a long walk down the river at Cuckoo’s Corner and we saw lots of skylarks flying around. I don’t chase birds, no point, they can fly so they always get away. I don’t chase anything these days, can’t be bothered. 

Billy my predecessor used to chase everything, he was very naughty. Apparently he had loads of cyclists off their bikes and he never got into trouble once. He used to overtake them and then run in front of them so they would swerve and land in the hedge. Nix says she’s lucky she didn’t get arrested. I don’t do anything like that as you know, all that running, far too tiring. 

Once when Billy was about six months old Nix had taken him to Richmond Park. He had never been interested in the deer mainly because they always stand still. On this particular day for some reason he decided to run at them. Nix knew that it was best to run in the opposite direction and so that’s what she did. As she was running Billy overtook her and when she looked over her shoulder the deer were chasing them. That was apparently the worst thing that ever happened to Nix, even worse than my Ditchling Beacon incident. 🤣

Lots of you will have seen the video of Fenton the collie in Richmond Park. He was very naughty indeed and didn’t come back when he was called, not surprising really, I mean who’d answer to a name like Fenton. Nix watches this sometimes, she says it helps her to realise how perfect I am 😇  

Disclaimer…we know this isn’t funny and you should never allow your dogs to chase the deer so probably best not to call them Fenton 😉


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