Brooklands Park This Morning and We’ve Got Ladybirds


We’ve been to Brooklands Park this morning and I did three poos, all of them in the nettles…in front of lots of people 🤣 Also I almost swam, I really wanted the stick but it was just a bit too far away for me to reach. Nix said I may as well have stuck my head under the water because I shook too soon and made my head wetter than it needed to be. Afterwards two different people referred to me as a Beardie and not a Dulux dog…I liked that. Nix says it’s because my hair is so long but only for two more weeks because then I think I’m going to have it cut shorter as it’s very tiring/boring being groomed all the time and I’m a bit hot too, I am twelve and a half don’t forget. Did you know that when I was seven and my kidneys first started going wrong I was only given two to three years before I went to the Rainbow Bridge.  Well I wasn’t having any of that was I 🙂 We’re home now and I’m out in the garden drying off.

You know someone paid £100 into Nix’s bank account last week. She didn’t know who it was and thought she had a secret admirer 🙄 I assumed it was for moi because obviously I have lots of secret admirers. Anyway this morning it happened again so Nix called the bank. They discovered that it was from Nix’s credit card company. She had been given a new card and because she had been trying to make payments to the old card it kept bouncing back. Nix said she never wanted a secret admirer but I think secretly she did 🫢

We’ve got ladybirds, I did try to eat one but Nix said no 😕


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