
For All Of Fripp’s Followers šŸ™‚

 Hi everyone I am still recovering from losing Fripp but I do realise that he had many thousands of followers on various platforms. I have decided to repeat his blog again going back to the first post which was March 2020! You will be able to see them on Facebook only, either on my own page which is public (Nix Cuthell) or on The Adventures of Fripp also on Facebook. Thank you all for staying strong for me šŸ™

RIP Fripp 5.1.2010 - 8.2.25 šŸ˜Ŗ

  RIP Fripp 5.1.2010 - 8.2.25 My darling Fripp has crossed the bridge šŸ˜Ŗ He passed very peacefully this afternoon in a lovely special room with a bed for him and a sofa for me. I am okay, I think, and I know time will heal.  A little bit about my gorgeous boy…he was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease when he was 7. He did really well on his home cooked diet but when he was eight he developed autoimmune thrombocytopenia due to some meds he was given…not by Bron. He went on a high dose of steroids, lost a lot of his coat with his gorgeous tail being almost bald. He survived the disease and went on to become strong but always with the kidney disease in the background.  Some months later he got sick again and went into kidney failure. He spent a week at North Downs Referrals where they discovered his ureter was blocked with a stone and so he received a subcutaneous ureteral bypass from his kidney to his bladder. He was one of the first dogs to get it and I’m told he has be...

Hello Everyone…

 Hello one and all šŸ™‚ Well Nix and I made our way to the new vet practice this morning. It was really hard to park, the machine wasn’t working and then it started to hail! On top of that I got the dire rears on the way and so it wasn’t the best morning. On top of that my blood results are not good, in fact they are really quite bad. I sort of feel okay in myself but I am very very tired. Nix had to help me in the car and then help me out again when we got home and now I am going to sleep for the rest of the day as I am still very tired. Anyway, we are thinking it might be time for me to go over that other bridge and maybe meet up with Billy. I hope they have a churchyard there to visit, Billy and I could go for walks together. I know that Nix will let you all know, maybe tomorrow but please know that I love you all very much.

Feeling A Bit Better Today

  Nix got me these beef thingies which I really like. She had to fry them and I got them while they were lovely and warm. I wasn’t so keen on the ones that were left over, Nix tried to serve them cold for breakfast…I think not.  I did feel a lot better this morning so we walked a little further. Nix looked and by the time we got home we had walked almost a mile. We used to do at least five miles a day but I don’t think either of us fancy that again.  Nix is going to her celebration this evening and Rita will sit with me. I expect I’ll get a walk round the block when Nix gets home. This will be a short blog today as I have already had my second walk over to the churchyard so Nix hasn’t had a lot of time. I don’t think she actually wanted to go over into town but I gave her the look, always works šŸ™‚ We are going as planned to see Bron tomorrow so I shall have more news then but for the time being I feel really okay šŸ™‚

Bit Of A Roller Coaster At The Moment…

  Nix says we’re still riding the roller coaster. Yesterday I ate everything put in front of me in the morning but during the afternoon and evening I refused everything and got very restless. I only slept for short bursts and then would find Nix and just stare at her.  When she went to bed she let me out in the garden and this time she kept her bedroom door open. When I came in from the garden I went straight into my bed in her bedroom and went straight to sleep. I did go out a couple of times during the night but Nix didn’t wake up.  This morning I did eat the remains of the beef but I refused everything else. Nix just managed to find some beef slices locally which I have eaten and we’ve had a little walk in the sunshine. When we went out this morning it was early and the sun was just rising and the boardwalk was too slippy to walk on. It was much nicer this afternoon.  I might get an extra walk in an hour or so because Nix has a meeting and she doesn’t want to put ...

I’m Still Rallying…Nix Has Had To Order More Food šŸ˜‹

 I’m still ‘rallying’ apparently, in fact I’ve ‘rallied’ so much Nix has had to order more food for me. I now have some beef slices, my favourite, some ham slices and some chicken slices. Nix also got me something called Chappie which is meant to encourage me to eat…seriously!!! Bring me the beef slices, that’s what will encourage me to eat. I also got a doggie muffin this morning. Nix asked on our neighbours WhatsApp group if anyone would like some of the treats that I won’t eat. They got snapped up very quickly but not surprisingly not a single person wanted the Chappie šŸ¤£ Louisa at number 40 took the treats for her Bella as she is in training and she brought me a Naked Woofin which was very nice. Nix put it on the floor expecting me to ignore it and I ate half of it šŸ˜‹ Nix has had a long chat with Bron and we are going to see her now at 12 noon on Friday. She will check my blood to see how my kidneys are doing but we know they won’t be getting any better. I don’t mind so much, I...

I’ve ‘Rallied’ A Bit…

  Thank you everyone for all the lovely messages yesterday, I’m sorry I worried you all. I still felt poorly when I woke up this morning, but I decided I’d like to go for a little walk anyway. It was very nice outside, a bit like a spring day really, sunny and no wind. As you may know, even when I haven’t been eating my food, I still like a little treat every now and again. I usually get these when we go on our walks and I don’t want to go round the corner or after I have my photo taken. Nix had this brainwave to swap my treats for kibble, she thought I wouldn’t notice and to be honest I didn’t really.  The kibble was quite tasty, not that much different from the treats really.  Anyway, Nix seems to think I have ‘rallied a bit’ whatever that means but I do feel a bit better in myself. As of this morning I still hadn’t eaten apart from the few bits of kibble so Nix decided to have one more attempt to get me to eat. She took herself off to the supermarket while I was asle...