
Tea At Sally’s And Then Brooklands Park 🙂

  We had a very nice morning, after communion we went back with Sally for a cup of tea and I got a digestive biscuit. Sally makes her tea in a pot which I think is very nice. We came home afterwards and Nix was surprised to hear the doorbell ring. She had completely forgotten that the Sainsbury’s van was due with my tins of tuna and a couple of things for Nix of course🙂 After a little nap we headed over to Brooklands Park. We thought this the best place to go as we have had quite a lot of rain. Everywhere would have been very muddy and we have a new rug so Nix said she couldn’t face cleaning up after us. There are lots of paths at Brooklands so we didn’t get muddy at all. We met a dog who only had three legs. He was a bit wobbly like me but I’m glad I’ve still got all four of my legs. There is a very stinky muddy pond at Brooklands and I really wanted to go in it but Nix said a definite no!  Later on this evening Nix is meeting with the sound guy to get some more training and to see h

Just A Trip Into Town Today With Jackie 🙂

  I tried to get Nix to open the doors to the garden last night but I was a bit early. We’d only been back from our walk for a couple of hours and Nix put her foot down. I tried again about 5am and this time it worked. I did a massive wee just to make her feel guilty…I think it worked. Anyway once I’d had my wee and gone back to sleep I didn’t wake up again until 8am. Nix had got up and got dressed and had her breakfast so she was ready to go as soon as I woke up. We headed up the boardwalk and I had lots of energy so I took Nix almost all the way to the fort…I was feeling pretty good.  Nix looked again at the photo she took when I brought that stuff up from my throat. She realised that she had forgotten that whenever I get the chance I like to eat soil and she’s realised that what she can see in the photo is probably the soil I managed to get to. She’s decided not to bother Bron unless it happens again but the weird thing is that I haven’t made that noise with my throat since I left t

Nix Put Her Glasses In Her Back Pocket And Then Sat On Them 🫢

I woke Nix up twice last night. The first time I woke her up she said as we’d only been in bed two hours she wasn’t going to let me out in the garden. I did go back to sleep in the end but then a few hours later, I woke her up again and she had to let me out. I did a massive wee at the bottom of the garden just to prove a point and then she made me come in. She said there was only so long she was going to walk around the garden in her dressing gown waiting for me.  We had an early walk on the beach this morning before church and then we dropped off a copy of my list of low phosphorus foods to a couple who have a dog that’s just been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. I hope it helps him, he’s much older than I was when I was diagnosed.  I was a bit restless in church today. I was asleep but Liz knocked her hymn book on the floor and it woke me up. I know I can’t really hear noises but I can feel vibrations. I did go back to sleep again, I was by a nice warm radiator. I think the c

Visit To Trish’s

 Well considering we were going to have a quiet day today we’ve actually been quite busy. This morning after our walk we settled in for a relaxing time. I went to bed and Nix lay out on the sofa, I’d woken her up in the night again so I think she was quite tired. She was just chatting with a friend on the phone when I did one of my throat noises but it was really loud this time. She came rushing in to where I was and unfortunately this time I had made a bit of a mess on the floor. Nix thinks there might be some blood in it but don’t worry, I’ve been really fine since than and as long as I’m okay tomorrow she thinks we can wait to speak with Bron on Monday. I don’t think it was blood, I think it was some of the food I’d had. I slept for about an hour but then I wanted to go out again. Nix thought it would be a good idea just to walk over the bridge into town to see how I was. I was fine and I think she relaxed a bit.  When we got back home I went straight to sleep and Nix did some tidyi

Mill Hill And Coffee With Rita

 So it was quite weird not going to our Friday morning session but having said that I did wake Nix up at 4am so I could go out and star gaze. Do you know how I wake her up, I sort of dance and my claws on the hard floors make a tapping noise…works every time. I don’t go to the loo while I’m out there so Nix was surprised when we both slept until 8am…apparently I have the constitution of an ox whatever that means 🤔 We had our first walk down the beach but just a short one because we then headed over the bridge to meet Rita for coffee. We went to a new café which was very nice and Nix had something with apples on it…personally I did miss the Friday morning croissant. There was a very nice lady sitting next to us and I got a lot of cuddles from her, she was very nice, I liked her.  We set out for our early afternoon walk and Nix was going to go to Buckingham Park again but as it was such a sunny day without too much wind she decided we should go to Mill Hill. I really like it there becau

Subtitles And Filing…

 Nix has been filing, this doesn’t happen very often so it always takes a long time. Why she can’t do it every week I have no idea but who am I to comment. Anyway it’s done now and she reckons she can find any document she’s asked for…we’ll see 🙄 Did I tell you about the subtitles keep coming up on the TV. Nix switches them off and then as soon as she changes channel they come back on again. A month or so ago she called Sky and a chap who was very nice but almost impossible to understand helped her to reset the Sky box. It took over half and hour but all was well, for about a day.  Yesterday she thought she’d better call again and this time she got a chap who was even nicer than the one before but even harder to understand!  She was on the phone for so long doing things to the Sky box and then he sent her into the other room to do the same with the mini box. By the time she’d finished her left hand was really aching from holding the mobile. Thankfully the subtitles disappeared and she

Quiet Day Today…

  So we’ve had a bit of a quiet day today. Nix thought it would be good not to use the car so we’ve been walking everywhere. I did make Nix laugh this morning, well I think she was laughing 🤔You see I used to like to take my time doing my poos. I would try several locations and keep changing my mind but since Bron recommended Psillium for my anal gland incident I have been pooing perfectly…first attempt. So…this morning I did my poo quite quickly and Nix picked it up. She didn’t realise that unusually I’d done a second one because she then trod in it. I thought it was hilarious but not sure she did, probably too busy thinking about the new rug 🫣 So anyway lunchtime we set out and Nix let me lead the way. I’ll always go over to the churchyard if I have my way, I really like it there. On the way back there was this dog in front of us. It gets walked down our road, I’m not that keen on it to tell you the truth so Nix keeps well away. When we got home Nix reminded me that during our time