I’ve ‘Rallied’ A Bit…


Thank you everyone for all the lovely messages yesterday, I’m sorry I worried you all. I still felt poorly when I woke up this morning, but I decided I’d like to go for a little walk anyway. It was very nice outside, a bit like a spring day really, sunny and no wind. As you may know, even when I haven’t been eating my food, I still like a little treat every now and again. I usually get these when we go on our walks and I don’t want to go round the corner or after I have my photo taken. Nix had this brainwave to swap my treats for kibble, she thought I wouldn’t notice and to be honest I didn’t really.  The kibble was quite tasty, not that much different from the treats really. 

Anyway, Nix seems to think I have ‘rallied a bit’ whatever that means but I do feel a bit better in myself. As of this morning I still hadn’t eaten apart from the few bits of kibble so Nix decided to have one more attempt to get me to eat. She took herself off to the supermarket while I was asleep and she came back with quite a selection of food stuff most of which she’d already tried before. The thing is before she was trying to hide tablets in it and there was no way I was going to eat after that even if there wasn’t a tablet in it. This time she gave me a little piece of very expensive ham which I ate and it was very nice so then she gave me a little bit more and I ate that so in the end I had two whole slices. 

We have just had our afternoon walk and I have had some more kibble so I am quite full. We have an appointment to see Bron on Friday to see how I’m doing so I’ll let you all know as soon as I can 🙂


  1. So pleased that you have eaten something!!! I am sure it will help you feel better. The fresh air is always nice too. I hope your evenng is a pleasant one. Love you so much. xxxxxooooo


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