Bit Of A Roller Coaster At The Moment…
Nix says we’re still riding the roller coaster. Yesterday I ate everything put in front of me in the morning but during the afternoon and evening I refused everything and got very restless. I only slept for short bursts and then would find Nix and just stare at her. When she went to bed she let me out in the garden and this time she kept her bedroom door open. When I came in from the garden I went straight into my bed in her bedroom and went straight to sleep. I did go out a couple of times during the night but Nix didn’t wake up.
This morning I did eat the remains of the beef but I refused everything else. Nix just managed to find some beef slices locally which I have eaten and we’ve had a little walk in the sunshine. When we went out this morning it was early and the sun was just rising and the boardwalk was too slippy to walk on. It was much nicer this afternoon.
I might get an extra walk in an hour or so because Nix has a meeting and she doesn’t want to put me in the car. I think she’s hoping I’ll just go to sleep and not notice she’s gone. I always know when she’s gone but I’m a big boy now and I don’t mind staying on my own.
Tomorrow evening there is a celebration at a church in Hove. All the churchwardens have been invited to process up the aisle with their ‘wands’ and I know Nix has been looking forward to it. I heard her saying on the phone that she might not go because she was worried about leaving me even though I’ll have Rita to look after me. I think now that she’s going to go but leave as soon as the service is finished and not stay for the refreshments afterwards. I want her to go because I think she will enjoy it and I’ll be fine with Rita. Somewhere there is a photo of Nix with the wands. I think they’ve gone off with Kay to get the silver tops polished 🙂
I am so happy you are eating some food. Keep it up! I am sure you will be find staying with Rita for a short time. Enjoy your day!!! Love you so much. xxxxooooo