Nix And Rita Went For A Swim Today In The Sea 🙂
First of all, I have very good news about moi. We heard from Bron and my urine is now perfectly acidic and I’m to carry on with my Urinaid probably forever. It’s dangerous for me for my urine to be too alkaline because that’s what causes the stones and I definitely don’t want any more of those. Bron has gone on her annual holiday and she has asked Nix to look after me while she’s gone 🥰
We had a very nice evening yesterday. We set off to walk to the bridge to meet Linda but she beat us to it. We stopped off at the fish and chip shop and then took our food home and ate it in the garden. When Linda was ready to go home we walked back with her a little way for my final walk of the day. She goes home tomorrow but we are hoping to meet for coffee in the morning.
This morning we drove over to Hove very early to collect a piece of trellis. Nix’s clematis is growing so quickly she needs some more support for it. The trellis is a bit too big so Nix is hoping one of our neighbours will help her to fix it up. I also have some very excellent news re the Flamingo Tree. Nix was worried about it because the day we planted it the weather was awful, gale force winds which were really blowing it around. Over the next week or so all the leaves turned brown and Nix thought it was probably the wind but she hoped it would pick up next year. But…guess what…when Nix looked at it today the branches are covered in green shoots. Nix is very excited about this and of course as a gardener myself I understand her excitement.
Later on this morning Rita came over and she and Nix went for their first dip in the sea this year. It was amazing apparently and quite warm. I was asleep when they left and still asleep when they got back. I would say I didn’t believe they actually went in the sea but they have photos to prove it.
This afternoon we headed to the church hall because Nix had a meeting there. I had a little walk in the shade first of all and then I slept on the cool floor in the hall while they did their meeting.
We’re home now and it’s still very hot. Nix says once it cools down she will take me for a lovely walk along the beach.
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