Hot, Hot, Hot… 😎

 Honestly it’s so hot down here and Nix is puffing and panting and moaning that it’s too hot. She is however going in the sea with Rita tomorrow for the first time this year. If you remember their last effort last year ended up with them nearly going flat on their faces as a big wave came just as they were getting out. Nix lost her beach shoes in the process which probably ended up in Brighton as everything heads east 🤣

We have been to have a cuppa with Jackie and Indie this afternoon as Jackie was on her own too. We managed to sit in the shade but I got told off for trying to tidy the lawn up a bit…honestly there’s no pleasing humans sometimes. It’s always Nix telling me off, I don’t think Jackie minds, she didn’t anyway when I did a big wee. 

Linda is coming over a bit later on and we are having fish and chips…I’m really looking forward to that. Nix has managed to find a bit of shade in the garden so hopefully we can sit outside and later on maybe we can walk a bit of the way back with Linda if it’s cooler so I can get a bit of a walk. 

Nix’s clematis has grown so quickly she has to order another piece of trellis for it to climb on. We won’t get any flowers on it this summer because it flowers on the old wood but next year hopefully we’ll have loads. We are driving over to Hove to collect the trellis very early in the morning. The shop opens at 8am so we’ll be there then and I won’t get too hot hopefully. 

Just starting to organise our street party, I think I’d rather stay at home as it might be a bit boring for a dog.


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