A Walk To The Park Today πŸ™‚

 I know we’re very lucky to live so close to the beach but a dog can get a bit bored with the same old boardwalk. As I’ve done so well since my falls Nix said we could go to the Rec this afternoon. We didn’t go as far as the little wood but I had a really great walk and I met this really nice couple who were throwing a ball for their cockerpoo. I really wanted them to throw it for me but meanie Nix said no in case I fell over. I caused a fuss but to no avail 😞

Nix’s Sweet Peas are still doing really well. There are some new ones growing and they have a proper Sweet Pea scent. They are pinky white with a lilac edging and they are very pretty. I hope the French beans do as well because I think I might like them and if they’re not too high I can help myself whenever I want. I expect I used to get French beans when I lived in Monaco for the first two years of my life. 

Tomorrow we have the whole day free so far. We might go to Brooklands park and stop off at the cafΓ© for a coffee. There is a special place that we park and it’s not too long a walk to the cafΓ© so I’m looking forward to that. I’m hoping there might be some lemon drizzle. We’d also like to go and see Sheila one day this week, she has been in hospital and is home now. She has broken her ankle so she won’t be able to get out much and I’d definitely like to go and see her. 

The church Summer Fayre was very successful. The total hasn’t been added up yet but it looks like it will easily be more than last year. Jill who is our chief fundraiser has done an amazing job as have all the volunteers who helped out. Just to set everything up and then dismantle it again takes for ever and there were lovely crafts and cakes and things to buy. The church hall was full of stalls and places to sit and have a strawberry tea and the church itself had lots of stalls too. I should have liked to have gone but it was too hot but maybe next year πŸ™

Did I tell you…there was this chap out at sea the other day and his little boat started to let in water. He didn’t have a mobile phone with him but guess what. There was this man who drives one of the very tall cranes on the other side of the river which is quite a long way from the sea and he saw him struggling. He called the coastguard and they went out and rescued him. They were bailing out the water with their helmets…they are very brave and what a clever crane driver  πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ I hope the link works…



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