I’m Off to The Moon šŸ™‚

 Hi everyone…first things first. I got invited to go on a trip to the South Pole on the moon. There’s a thingy, named after a dog, a Rover or something and later on this year it’s going to the moon to look for ice and things. Nix won’t be coming because she doesn’t like flying but I shall enjoy it very much. Nix keeps saying it’s just a bit of fun but I’m excited about it now and I have my boarding pass so I know it’s for real. I’ll earn 238,855 air miles šŸ™‚

Back here on earth things are much as usual. An early morning walk on the beach provided some excitement. I have a very good sense of smell, even better now I don’t hear or see very well. I smelled that fish from a long way away and I just took off so it’s a good job the shingle shifters aren’t there today...apparently. I found the fish and it was very yummy but Nix tricked me into letting it go. I growl at her if she tries to take it off me, just to be clear it’s the only time I ever growl at her. 

We hadn’t been home long before we set off again for lemon drizzle in the church. The cake was very nice but the church was freezing and Nix didn’t want me to lay on a cold floor so we headed over to the parish centre. There was no lemon drizzle but the lime and coconut cake was rather tasty. It was nice to see our friend Sheila there, she always thinks I’m 16 and then Indie turned up with Catherine and Jackie. Next thing Rev Jane came with Gracie and lots more people who I don’t know but were very nice to me. I told Indie about me going to the moon but I don’t think she was that impressed. 

On the way home I got so many cuddles it was brilliant. I did tell everyone about me going to the moon but I don’t think they believed me. I’m going to get Nix to print out my boarding pass so I can show it to the non believers.


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