I Stayed On My Own This Morning For Over Half an Hour


Guess what? I stayed on my own this morning for the first time since I got sick. Nix took me for a lovely walk first and I found a toy duck like the one I already have so I was able to bring that home. Nix was hoping I would go to sleep as usual in the bedroom but I knew she was going out. She thought if she sprayed her perfume before we went on our walk I might not notice. I thought if I sat and stared she might give in but no, she still went out. To be fair she was only gone just over half an hour and I didn’t really mind. When Nix got home I had jumped up on the sofa and was fast asleep. I didn’t actually hear her come in until she started panicking. She couldn’t find her phone and decided it must have fallen out of her pocket at the church. She had taken her coat off and chucked it on a pew but thankfully some of the others found it and put it somewhere safe. Can I tell you Nix was panic stricken, there is no way she could have got a new one and she had no idea how she could cope without one. 

Rita came round for coffee and a chat so that was very nice. Nix had realised the car’s MOT runs out in a week so we left with Rita and walked round to the garage to book it in. It’s now nearly dark and Nix has only taken one photograph of moi with the duck that I found. It’s not really good enough is it… a blog with no photos. I notice she managed to get one of her and Rita but was so appalled at how awful she looked she’s edited herself out 🤣

Very excited to say that we have sheep in the field near the airport. Nix says we can go and see them maybe tomorrow and also there are now more than twenty swans on the Widewater Lagoon so we might go to see them too.


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