We Had Visitors Today, David and Cynthia πŸ™‚

 It’s been another quiet day today though we did have a surprise visit from David and Cynthia from our home group. They live on the other side of the river in Shoreham town and they’d come for a Boxing Day walk along the beach. They decided to call in and see us on the way home which was very nice. I gave them a very enthusiastic welcome of course, a little bit too enthusiastic perhaps🫒

We all left together and as we turned the corner to head to the beach ourselves, we bumped into one of our neighbours who always wants to scratch my bottom. Nix keeps telling her that it makes my back legs wobble but she insists on doing it… she says I like it. Well I don’t like it and I don’t like the way she gets her hand inside my coat and tries to scratch me around my neck. I don’t know why humans feel they can do that to dogs they hardly know, they wouldn’t do it to another human πŸ€” Anyway Nix told her not to do it anymore so hopefully she won’t and I shall be trying to avoid her whenever I can. 

We’d like to thank Max and Jeanette Smothers for sending us a Sainsbury’s voucher for Christmas. Nix clearly isn’t aware that Sainsbury’s sell dog treats and dog toys because she spent the money on a toaster! I mean, I know the old toaster was on its way out, but even so toaster versus dog treats, it’s a no brainer really isn’t it. 

I must admit to being asleep for most of the day even though it’s not been raining. I think it’s because we had an extra long walk this morning.

We’ve got black olives on our tree for the first time, they usually stay green and then drop off. Nix hates olives!


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