The New Step Works Brilliantly 🙂

 You’d think Nix would have learned by now that getting impatient and just a bit grumpy when I take off down the beach and refuse to come back is never going to work. I know it was really cold and windy but if she marches me home before my usual walk time is up then I am going to be wanting to go out again sooner than normal. So this morning I took off down the beach and I don’t have to pretend any longer that I can’t hear her because I can’t hear her 🤣 She had to come and get me in the end and she marched me home at top speed. I slept for about one hour and then I was up again wanting to go for a walk. I’d also woken her up in the middle of the night digging in the kitchen this time. I wish I knew why I dig but anyway Nix came in and cuddled me and I went back to sleep. 

The new step didn’t look any better this morning, Nix was very disappointed. The cover seemed much too big and then she looked at it more closely and realised she had the foam in the wrong way round. She’s put it right now and it works really well, I have already used it to get in the car and it’s very easy to use. I used it to get on the sofa too so I could reach the recuperating donkey…

Once my food delivery had arrived we set off for our old stomping ground Hove. We needed more poo bags and only the pet shop in Hove sells the ones we use…Nix is very fussy 🙄 We stopped first at Hove Lagoon for a nice walk, the sea was very rough and because it’s a full moon the tide was very high.  I was slightly annoyed because we didn’t call in at the café and I always get a sausage there…a real one. Never mind, we then called in at the pet shop for the poo bags and I got one of my favourite treats for the journey home. 

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve… apparently. Nix has completely lost track of the days (more so than usual) and she had to be reminded. I can’t hear the fireworks any longer so it doesn’t really matter, I expect I shall sleep through them and Nix is wondering if I shall ever use my thunder shirt again. She has threatened it for the night time digging 🤣


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