I’ve Been In The Car Today With The Help Of A Step 🙂


Guess what, the sun is out well at least it was out when we went out for a walk but now it’s raining again. We went to Brooklands Park which was very nice as we haven’t been anywhere in the car for ages. I haven’t really wanted to jump up into it. It’s not very high but my back legs aren’t really strong enough. Nix had the brain wave of taking one of the sofa cushions out to the car so I could step on the cushion and straight into the car…it was brilliant 🙂  I have the box that Sarah made for me for getting on the sofa but Nix has decided to use some of  Carol Williamson’s dollars to splash out on a small foam step for me to get in the car as she doesn’t want to ruin the sofa cushion if I get muddy. Thank you Carol, you are very kind 😍

Nix has been watching a documentary on the Shoreham aircrash. It was very sad to see and reminded Nix of the day it happened. We were still living in Hove and every Saturday afternoon we would drive over to Shoreham and walk down the river. The walk would take us under the A27, the very busy road that Nix hates and never goes on except by accident 🙄 This particular Saturday we were a little later than usual and as we were approaching Shoreham the traffic ground to a halt. Nix remembered it was the air show and so decided to drive us up to Buckingham Park instead. On the radio we heard that one of the planes had crashed onto the A27. Nix and I would never have been in any danger but the explosion would have really frightened me and Nix thinks I might have run away. The next day we went to the bridge near where it had happened to take flowers and the bridge was covered with coloured ribbons. Nix got talking to a lady and she turned out to be the mother of one of the young men who died. She told us that he was called Matthew and he was on his way to play a football game. It was all of his friends who had spent the night tying all the ribbons to the bridge. Nix often posts photos of the memorial so lots of you know all about it but if you wanted to watch the documentary you can find it on Discovery+ and it’s called Fatal Flight Shoreham. Sadly eleven men died that day 😪

I didn’t have a very good night last night, I woke Nix up quite a few times. In the end she put her dressing gown on and let me in the garden. I just sat there…as usual. I then had to come back in again and after a bit of digging I eventually went to sleep. Nix is dozing on the sofa this afternoon…any excuse 😇


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