Happy New Year Everyone 🙂


Apparently last night there was some very weird weather. It was the first time for ages that I haven’t woken up in the middle of the night and then woken Nix up. Instead she managed all on her own…apparently there were hailstones crashing down on the roof and it was so loud it actually scared Nix awake…twice 🤣 We decided in the end not to take our first visit to church this morning but would wait until things are a bit calmer. Hopefully we will try for our Friday morning at St Mary’s this week with coffee and croissant afterwards. 

We’ve had two lovely surprises today. First of all Jackie popped in and stayed for a cuppa. I was very happy to see her and I joined her on the sofa for cuddles. Then a bit later Rita and husband Terry and son Terry all turned up for a visit too. They had been for a walk on the  beach after church and decided to drop in for a chat. They also brought Nix some cake as it was Jonathan’s last Sunday at church as he is moving abroad. He is one of our neighbours so Nix and I will see him before he leaves. We walked back into town with Rita so I could stretch my legs and have a wander round the churchyard and now we’re home again and I’m resting. Apparently I need to do a 90° turn to keep the vet happy. Never going to happen… 🙂

It’s New Year’s Eve tonight and I expect there will be fireworks but thankfully I can’t hear them any longer. For all you doggies out there who can hear them, try not to be scared, it will soon be over. Nix and I wish everyone a very Happy New Year and a peaceful year for everyone the world over 🙂


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