We Didn’t Have a Very Good Night But I’m Much Better Now 🙂

 I didn’t have a very good night last night. Even if I’m a bit fractious during the day I always sleep at night. Last night was different and so was the evening I suppose. I was very restless and I couldn’t relax. Nix took me out for my last walk and I met a couple of very nice girls. They really liked me and gave me lots of hugs. I did go to bed when we got home but I couldn’t get to sleep. I made Nix very upset because she could see I looked scared. I did scratch the sofa quite badly and I scratched at the floors and the windows. In the end by about 1.30am Nix gave in and took me out again. It was very dark because all the street lights had gone out and Nix had to use her phone torch or see where we were going. When we got home I did go to bed and after a lot of tossing and turning and panting a lot I finally nodded off. I was up again at 5am by which time Nix had decided to bring my vets appointment forward and take me today. I didn’t really fancy that so I upped my game and I’ve been very calm today apart from a bit of quivering. Nix took a little video of that and also one of me on the boardwalk this morning so you can see how well I am when I’m not climbing the walls. 

So…Nix has decided that over 90% of the time I am very happy. I am either asleep or I am enjoying a walk or I’m on Nix’s lap getting hugs. She’s hoping that when we see the vet tomorrow he might give me something that is quick acting for when I have one of my turns and I’m not quite so happy. We’ll have to see what he says and if Bron agrees. We have to accept that my funny little quirks are probably related to my chronic kidney disease but we’ll know more after he has done all the tests. 

This afternoon we have been to Brooklands Park.  We were going to stop for a cup of tea and some lemon drizzle cake but unfortunately the café was full. Nix always said it was too small when they were building it. We’re home now and I feel quite tired and so I’m going for a lay down. I’m going to try my best to sleep through the night as well so Nix can get some sleep. Having said that I just had a quick look and Nix is fast asleep on the sofa in front of the TV 😴

PS It doesn’t hurt when I quiver, it just feels a bit weird but it doesn’t last for long 🙂


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