Very Early Morning Walk Today 🫢


We went out at 3am this morning, it was really good. All the street lights had been turned off but we had the light from the moon. It was really really cold, Nix moaned all the way 🤣 The reason we were out so early was I had a bit of an episode trying to get behind the blinds. Nix was worried I’d break them so she decided to take me out. I don’t think she realised just how cold it was. 

We went for our second walk about 7.30am and whilst it was still freezing, the sun was out and there wasn’t any wind so it didn’t feel that cold at all. I didn’t really feel like trotting ahead like I usually do so Nix is a bit worried about that but she will speak to Bron on Monday. I did do a poo and that seemed to make Nix happy because I didn’t eat very well last night. 

At the moment I am taking Psyllium for my anal glands and I started on the doggie Prozac a week ago. Nix isn’t sure if the Prozac would be slowing me down after just a week…she will ask Bron. She will also decide on Monday whether to start the Selgian or something similar for my weird behaviour. I don’t think it’s weird but Nix does. 

This afternoon we went into town and visited the pet shop and Nix bought some wet wipes for my bottom which apparently is quite gross. I didn’t do my trotting again, just plodded quietly along which Nix prefers anyway. When we got home we bumped into Barney from next door and I got a cuddle and then a bit later Jackie and Catherine called in to see how I was doing. I get a special ear rub from Catherine, she’s definitely got the touch. 

I’m really hoping that my anal glands haven’t filled up again because I do not like having that done. Hopefully the wet wipes will do the job.


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