Not a Bad Night Really…

 I had quite a good night last night. Nix left me in my donut beds in the lounge and I was going to join her later but I fell asleep. I had my own lamp on so I wouldn’t wake up in the dark. I did sleep right through until about 4.30am and then I tried to pull the blinds down in the bedroom so it woke Nix up. She just sat with me for a bit and then I got into my bed and went to sleep. So all in all quite a good night. 

We didn’t go to meditation this morning because Nix didn’t think I would enjoy it. We did really miss seeing everyone so it was very nice that Rita came round afterwards and brought us a croissant 😋 

We were just getting ready to go out again when Jackie came to visit which was very nice but I thought maybe she was going to be looking after me while Nix went out so I put on my best trembling performance. It worked and she didn’t stay long after that. Nix said she was never going to leave me but always best to be certain I think. 

This afternoon we have been down to the beach and then home past the houseboats. We stopped off at the shop for Nix to buy some Madeira Cake for me to have my Propalin on. We’re home now and I did start digging but Nix came in and sat with me for a while so I’m thinking I might as well now go to sleep.

Oh yes, Nix decided that as my bills were mounting she would save some money on the shopping. So…last week she ordered no ready meals at all because they are quite expensive and she ordered loads of fresh veg and thingies to go with it and she was very pleased when she saw how much she’d saved. She wasn’t so pleased when she saw how much washing up there was to do, I think the bubble and squeak pan pushed her over the edge. I have a feeling ready meals will be back on the shopping list for next week. May I offer a warning right here and right now. Might I suggest that you don’t send Nix ‘easy’ recipes etc because she is in a very weird state of mind and it might just push her over the edge 🤣


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