Had My Blood Tested This Morning, Results to Follow…

 So where do I start…I shall start in the middle because I know you all worry about me. I’ve been to the vets and I’ve had my bloods taken but we won’t have the results just yet. Bron just wants to make sure that the Fluoxetine (doggy Prozac) hasn’t affected my platelets. If all is well I’ll stay on it for a while but I shall have to get my blood tested again in a week just to be sure.  My anal glands had filled right up again so we may need to talk about that. Nix asked Dr Chris if there was anything she should add to my food and he said no but we all know that’s not true so Nix will talk to Bron about it. Lots of different things have been recommended by you guys but we just want Bron to okay it. 

To go back to the beginning I did wake up at 3.30am but Nix didn’t need to take me out for a walk. I was mainly digging but she managed to calm me and I eventually went back to sleep. We went for a lovely walk along the boardwalk this morning but in the opposite direction as Nix somehow managed to lose my ‘DEAF DOG’ sign last night. We thought we might find it on the beach but we couldn’t see it so Nix will have to buy me a new one…that’ll teach her to be more careful 😉

On the way home we called in at my groomer Shelle’s new place of work. She left the other place where we already had my Christmas groom booked in so Nix was a bit worried she wouldn’t be able to get me done at such late notice but they managed to squeeze me in at 8am on 21st December. Nix is very happy about that, me, not so much 🤔

I went to bed as soon as we got home, Nix said I smell really bad…charming. I don’t suppose we’ll be going out for a while so Nix will type the blog now and hopefully we’ll have more news tomorrow. 

Nix says she doesn’t mind getting up in the middle of the night as she can doze in the afternoon. She made it sound like she doesn’t normally doze in the afternoon 🤣


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