Fantastic News About My Grand Godson Winston

 We have lots of good news today. Nix’s grand Godson Winston has been very poorly. He was diagnosed with a brain tumour and the doctors weren’t able to remove it all but he’s been having medicine and now the tumour has shrunk…a lot. We think it’s like a miracle so thank you everyone who prayed for him last time we wrote about him. His brother is learning rock climbing and Winston wanted to have a go and with a special teacher he is doing really well especially as he was in a wheelchair in May. Nix will post a photo of him…he’s only six 😪

The other good news is that our church, The Church of the Good Shepherd is now a dementia friendly church and we got presented with our certificate on Sunday. Thank you to Sheila Powell for all her hard work. 

This morning I stayed on my own for a little bit while Nix popped out but I was very good. As soon as she got back we had our Sainsbury’s delivery with my smoked mackerel and then we went to Brooklands Park for a treat. It was a lovely sunny day when we set out and then once we got there the heavens opened…never mind I still enjoyed myself, Nix not so much. I nearly made it into the stinky pond but Nix grabbed me just in time. 

This afternoon we have had a walk down the beach as it is a very lovely afternoon. We’re meant to be getting a lot of rain overnight so I shall have one more walk about 8pm I think and then tomorrow Jackie is coming to sit with me as Nix is going to a place where they write wills. I’m presuming she will be leaving everything to me 😌


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