We Are Serving Coffee and Biscuits Ths Afternoon

We had a very bad night last night. The skies were flashing and it woke me up. I was very scared and I was shaking…I don’t like those flashing lights and I wish they would stop. Eventually they did stop and we went back to sleep but we are both very tired today…we didn’t wake up until gone 8am this morning 😴

We walked down by the houseboats and over to Adur Rec where there was a car boot sale. Nix was just thinking that it was getting too hot and was it a good idea to walk so far when the heavens opened and we got soaking wet. We’re only just getting dry but my tail is a mess.

I shall need to get smartened up because this afternoon we are going to our church to serve refreshments to some walkers. Nix will put the link up so you can read about it but it’s about a Dr Susan Michaelis who has been diagnosed with lobular breast cancer. There is no specific treatment for it and it generally does not show up on mammograms so Dr Susan is walking from her home 20 miles away with some friends to raise awareness of it. They will hopefully make it to the Church of the Good Shepherd where Angela and Nix will be ready to serve them coffee and  biscuits. I shall of course be greeting them as they arrive and we’ll post photos in tomorrows blog. Today we thought we would just post the link to a news item about the walk. 

PS They are stopping for lunch on their long walk so hopefully coffee and biscuits will be enough for them. 



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