Rita Came to See Us and She Brought Sunfliwers 🙂

 Guess what, Nix says the skies have been very noisy today but I didn’t hear a thing and Nix said I was very brave. I did see the lights in the sky and I didn’t like them but I had a bit of a dig…that made me feel better. 

Rita has been round today and she brought Nix a lovely bunch of sunflowers. She and Nix play their worship songs very loud and sing at the tops of their voices. It’s at times like this that I am glad I don’t hear too well 🫢

We walked back with Rita over the bridge and I got a wander around the churchyard and was able to sample a little pellitory-of-the-wall. It’s a plant that grows up the wall of the church and I rather like it. It’s good for kidney stones apparently so Nix let’s me eat it. 

Did I tell you I have been getting a lot of compliments just lately, I’d say in fact that I have been stopping people in their tracks. They all want to stroke me and I don’t mind too much in fact I quite like it. 

Nix has prayer and mediation in the morning so it’s a good job it won’t be raining like last week. She’s threatening to go in the sea again at lunchtime if it’s nice which means I shall stay on my own. I don’t mind as she’s not gone for too long. There’s only so long you can splash around when you can’t actually swim 🙂


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