Got Scared in Church 😕

 I didn’t have a very good time in church this morning. It all started really well with me sneaking into the row in front of where we usually sit where I was warmly greeted by Doris, Jackie and Penny. It was decided we would sit there today and so my bed was brought forward and I settled down to sleep. As you know I don’t hear very much these days but there are some sounds that I can still hear. They are usually things that frighten me like when Nix sneezes. I definitely hear that and I have to run out of the room. The other thing that really scares me is the crackling microphone at church. It hasn’t been too bad recently so I couldn’t hear it but this morning it was really bad and it really frightened me and I really needed to get out of the church. It was right in the middle of prayers when it’s very quiet and my claws make a noise so Nix persuaded me to wait until the prayers were finished. My eyes were wide and I was trying to pull her out and eventually thank goodness we were able to leave, Nix said we don’t have to go back again until they fix the microphone because she doesn’t want to see me scared like that.

We’ve had a really lovely day today…well I say we, I should probably say me. Nix has been having one of her ‘nobody loves me’ days and I’ve tried my best but once she slumps into one of those moods there’s not a lot I can do. Thankfully they don’t last long and as soon as she remembers that lots of people do love her including me we can get out for a walk. 

This afternoon we have been down by the river and because the tide was low I was able to go in for lots of paddles. It was very hot so I was glad I was able to cool off as often as I liked. We’re home now and Nix has washed one of my beds so I’m looking forward to clean sheets tonight 😴


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