Got My Picture in the Local Paper πŸ™‚

We went out a bit later last night for our last walk with a view to having a lay in this morning. Nix woke up at 5am and couldn’t get back to sleep again so we ended up going to the beach quite early. 

We bumped into the very mad sheepadoodle with an owner who doesn’t really know what he’s doing. You may remember he broke his lead the other day and ran across the road to see me. I think those extending leads are not very safe. Nix got me one when I had to stay on the lead for a while and I didn’t like the noise it made, it scared me. I think the man looked like he was going to have a nervous breakdown 🫒

Remember the lady who walked 20 miles to raise money for lobular breast cancer…Dr Susan. Well when the paper wrote about her walk guess whose photo they printed… moi of course πŸ˜‡ You can see me in the link but Nix said I shouldn’t forget that it’s not all about moi for onceπŸ™„

This evening the home group is coming to our house so Nix has been tidying and wondering if seven chairs plus the sofa will all fit into our lounge. When I last looked my bed had been moved out to make room for one more chair. This is not the way a celebrity expects to be treated!


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