Churchy Day Today 😇

 Well we’ve had a bit of a Churchy day today. We started off doing the café this morning which was very nice probably…I slept for most of it. Jenny turned up with Milo and I was able to ignore him for most of the time. Then he got into my bed so  I got his toy and everyone was happy. Gracie turned up too for a while, that was very nice. 

Rev’d Jane was there too preparing her display for creationtide. Some members of the congregation have made models of all the local wading birds with lots of help from Rev’d Jess. They are being displayed at the front of Church so Rev’d Jane made a little beach this morning to put them on…she stole the pebbles from our beach.  Well she didn’t really steal them, she will take them back when we’ve finished with them so that’s just borrowing 😇

This afternoon we drove Trish back down to church so she could collect the prayers from the prayer book and then when we got home, I really didn’t want to go in so we went for a walk over the footbridge to the churchyard. That was interesting because there was a man from the Cycle Network asking pedestrians for their views on how the bridge can work for both pedestrians and cyclists. There has been talk of white lines etc to keep them separate but Nix suggested the answer was really easy…cyclists should dismount for the one minute it takes to walk over the bridge. Pity we don’t have a photo of the man’s face, I think he was impressed with Nix’s suggestion…not 🤣🤣🤣


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