Café, Smoked Mackerel and Poo Bags 🙂

 So the café was quite busy this morning so I’m told, I slept through it 😴 Nix now knows the trick of getting lots of visitors. First of all you make sure you don’t have enough biscuits and when one of the volunteers offers to go out and get some you tell them not to bother as they probably won’t be needed. Then you have a long discussion as to whether it’s worth carrying on with the café. Last time this happened we had a family of three generations turn up and today we had a really nice man who’s been homeless and was now getting his life together in Brighton and a lady who had been walking and needed refreshment. It was a really nice morning, Jenny visited with Milo her Cocker puppy who is really well behaved now. Oh yes, the chap who’d been homeless taught Nix some self defence moves, let’s hope she won’t need them. 

We were quite late leaving the café so we only just made it home in time for my smoked mackerel delivery. Nix isn’t sure what Sainsbury’s is up to but we got five packs. Nix is sure she ordered two packs but there is three on the receipt and we got five. Nix is going to have to scrutinise the bill but she says Sainsburys can have them back as we can’t use all of them. I’m thinking I could force them down 😋

This afternoon we have been to the little wood at the bottom of Southwick Hill. It was too hot to go up the hill so we stuck to the shade of the wood. Nix hates it in there because she has to watch me every second otherwise I disappear in clumps of woodland and she can’t see me. After we left the wood we drove over to Hove to our old pet shop. They are the only place that sells my special poo bags. They smell really nice and they have very long handles so Nix can tie them to the lead round her neck. She likes to keep her hands free to capture moi on film 🙂

Nix has just made some money on Ebay selling some old jewellery. I thought it was going to be spent on moi but apparently it’s to go towards knocking down a wall so she can immediately spot the intruder 😇


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