It’s Nix’s Fault I Got Lost…
Look if Nix turns her back for one milisecond and I decide to go through some bushes and up onto a different path, whose fault is it if she loses me. Obviously that is her fault for not paying attention but anyone would have thought it was my fault the way she was going on. Anyway I had to go on my lead after that and Nix says she’s definitely getting me a bell. I’m not amused, I’m not a cat though I hear it’s very fashionable these days to identify as a cat…I’m thinking about it 🤣
Someone let off some very loud fireworks last night. I did hear them a bit but they didn’t scare me. What scared me was the flashing lights in the sky. On the local forum everyone was asking what they were. It’s a toss up between drones or the Space X satellites apparently…whatever happened to it just being fireworks 🙄 Anyway I didn’t like them and I did have a bit of a dig in the bathroom . Nix encouraged me into our new bedroom and I fell asleep in my bed and didn’t wake up until quite late.
Nix has made an appt to have her eyes tested as her sight is not so good at the moment. When she called the hospital they said it was probably a membrane grown over her eye where the cararact was removed and they can get rid of it with a laser. Sounds very exciting but Nix doesn’t think so. She has to get her ears looked at next as she’s now deaf in one ear… falling apart at the seams comes to mind 🤣
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