I Stayed On My Own For a Bit Last Night…I Was Very Brave 🙂

 I stayed on my own last night for 1 1/2 hours. I was okay actually, in fact I went to sleep. I was very happy to see Nix though when she came home and I got straight on her lap and we watched TV together.  i’m now thinking I should’ve looked a bit more pathetic when she came in because she’s now talking about doing it again. 

This morning we drove Trish to church to collect all the prayers that have been written in the prayer book. She then sends them out to all the people that are on the prayer team so that they can pray during the week. We put a prayer in there for Winston, who is six years of age and has a brain tumour…he is Nix’s grand Godson. He’s had two operations now and he’s been very brave and we just want him to get better now. On the way back we stopped at the Beach Bakery round the corner and had tea and croissants 😋

Nix did a bit of gardening when we got home and I had a little sleep and then we went out to another local park. We don’t go there that often so it was a nice change and there were horses to look at. There was also a café, so we had another cup of tea and some biscuits and I met a little girl called Ruby who asked very politely if she could stroke me. She was very gentle and I liked her, but then all her friends turned up and it all got a bit noisy so we came home… 🙂


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