The Secret Woods Today 🙂

Well we had our meditation this morning at St Mary de Haura and I had just got lovely and comfortable in my bed when Nix had one of her coughing fits. She knew it would get worse so we had to go outside so Nix could cough to her hearts content. She was coughing and sneezing and her nose was running and she was nearly sick…so embarrassing. She could have just lest me asleep in the church and only embarrassed herself. Anyway she’s better now so hopefully she won’t get another one. 

We collected our friend Trish who needed to get to church to collect some stuff and then we went home for a nice rest. I slept right through til quite late this afternoon.  Nix had said that we might go to the secret wood in Goring so I set my internal alarm clock for when the sun finally came out. I love it in those woods, they’re not really secret, it’s just the way Nix likes to think of them.  It was a bit muddy but I managed to avoid that and we ended up going down to the beach to watch the kite surfers.  

We’re home now and Nix has been reading up on those vibrating collars. She said in the reviews there are lots of silly people who think putting a vibrating collar on their dog will make them do as they’re told… 🙄 Apparently the one she wants is quite expensive so looks like I’ll have my freedom for a bit longer 🤣


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