Sheila and Ron Came to Visit With Willow 🙂

 I got a parrot today…not a real one of course because I would never catch a real one. Sheila and Ron came to visit with the gorgeous Willow and I got a stuffed parrot. I really really like it and I got a packet of treats too which I am looking forward to. We were all going to walk down by the houseboats and on to the airport but it started to drizzle and you know what humans are like with the rain. We did see the houseboats but then we turned round and came home and the humans had pastries from the local bakery. They then spent some time putting the world to rights while I got lots of extra cuddles from Sheila and Ron. I did get up on the sofa too for extra cuddles from Nix. 

They have gone now and I miss Willow already so I’ve gone to bed as Nix has been trying to get me to respond to a stupid whistle. Yes of course I can hear it when she blows it but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop what I’m doing and return to her. She’ll need more than a whistle to drag me away from a dead fish and the treats she’s offering just simply aren’t good enough. I was trained to the whistle when I first went to live with Nix so I know exactly what it means but she will need to get some very high value treats if she wants me to do as I’m told. 

Nix is pretty much back to normal health wise and she’s hardly coughing at all. I am spending more time in her bedroom at night which she seems to really like even though she is asleep. I think in a few more days I’ll be able to spend the whole night there, I’m looking forward to that.


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