Sarah Came To Visit, She Brought Flowers 🌺

 Guess what…I have found a new BCJ…a black curly Labrador type jobby, weird looking dog with a very fast wagging tail…I didn’t like him. I stalked him for quite a long time and his tail started going faster and faster. I ran at him with the view to knocking him over but unfortunately I fell over myself. He tried to escape and I took off after him but Nix grabbed my tail on the way past. I am patient, there will be another time 🤗

On to more important things, not only was there no lemon drizzle at Nix’s meeting last night but all the cakes had chocolate in them so I wasn’t allowed any. Nix had a coughing fit in the middle of the meeting and had to leave. She spent five minutes outside coughing and choking with her eyes watering. I think the people waiting at the bus stop must have thought she was drunk. I enjoyed my time with Liz, we watch the TV together. 

Today Nix’s friend Sarah has been to visit and it was quite the reunion, it’s been about 15 years since they’ve actually seen each other so there was lots of hugging. Weirdly Sarah had the same cough thingy as Nix so they were able to comfort each other…I just went to bed. There was lots of talk about old times and what fun they had together. I liked her, she was very nice and I think I impressed her with my macho behaviour on the beach. We all went over the footbridge into town and we stopped for something to eat. Nix really fancied egg on toast but when it arrived she felt really sick and couldn’t eat it. She’s fine again now but thinks it’s the antibiotics that have made her feel a bit sick. We actually had a really good night, Nix didn’t cough very much at all and she thinks she’s definitely on the mend.

Sarah brought Nix some really beautiful flowers and I think Nix loves Sarah quite a lot 🌺


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