Lazy Day Today…

 Last night I spent the whole night in Nix’s bedroom for the first time since she got sick over a month ago. She didn’t cough once and I had a very restful night 🙂

We hadn’t been back from our walk this morning for very long when we were off out again. A lady was coming to our church hall to give a talk on dementia and how we can make our church dementia friendly. Once we achieve that we can display a Forget Me Not sticker on our door…I’d like that. 

Tomorrow a company is going to be doing some filming in the church. I think they work for the Church of England and they’ll be mainly interested in filming the altar and things. They told the congregation that they may just get tha back of their heads but I don’t think they realise they have a Beardie star in their midst. I of course am very experienced in being filmed as you well know. I shall see if I can find one of my videos but you must ignore Nix waffling on like she knows everything about Beardies, I mean…who knows everything about Beardies, we are an enigma 🙂

We’ve come home and I’ve gone to bed. I think it’s quite cold outside and I’m lovely and snug in my bed. Nix probably needs the exercise so I suppose I shall have to get up in a minute and get her walking.


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