Bad News About The BCJ…He’s Only Moved A Mile Up The Road 🤣🤣🤣


Nix just found out where the BCJ has moved to…she’s not very happy, it’s less than a mile away 🫢 Honestly Nix never thought anyone would sell a house almost on top of the beach to move into town. Even worse they’re now quite close to Buckingham Park where we like to go, Nix says we can’t ever go there again 😕 The funny thing is they have moved next door but one to our friend Rita. Remember she sat with me when Nix was doing the Lent course and we went there on Good Friday to have hot cross buns. If you also remember I tried to knock a dog over on the way there, I think the BCJ must have been in the area and I got confused. Eight months we’ve been waiting for them to move and they decide to move up the road 🤣 You’re probably wondering how we know where they’ve moved to. Well we bumped into one of their neighbours and she told Nix the name of the road. Nix of course was straight onto Rightmove and it’s the only house that’s sold in that road. The only good thing is they have a massive lawned garden and as the BCJ is always on the lead they might decide to exercise him there 🙏

We’ve been to Hove park this afternoon and I got a bit stuck in the bushes. Nix was videoing me instead of giving me a hand to get out. Afterwards we went to the pet shop and Nix has bought a dog whistle which she’s hoping I’ll be able to hear. She said it’s getting a bit unsafe when I’m heading towards the road and I don’t hear her call me. She thinks I might be putting it on but I honestly don’t hear her. 

Tomorrow we are going to the church hall because Sheila has organised for someone to come and talk to us about becoming a dementia friendly church. I think that will be very nice because most of us know someone who has dementia and it’s very hard for them and their families so it would be nice if they could come to church…


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