Trip Into Town With Jackie…

 Quite a busy day today starting off with the café at church. We had two new visitors which was very nice but I slept for most of it. When we got home we couldn’t get onto our drive because the gas men had filled the hole in the road but put the barriers in the wrong place. Nix had to carry all the café stuff and my bed from round the corner where we had to park. She called them and they came and fixed it straight away. 

After I’d gone to sleep Nix snuck into town and as she was walking along the pavement by a bus stop this big bus swung in to park and the front end of the bus nearly knocked Nix over. As the doors opened Nix told the driver that she had pushed her along with the bus and the driver was very rude to Nix. She refused to accept that she’d come too close to the pavement even though everyone waiting for the bus had seen it. Nix said if she’d said sorry and asked if she was okay she’d have left it there but she didn’t so Nix took a photo and has written to the bus company. I co signed the complaint, don’t want any buses knocking Nix over, who’s going to look after moi while she’s in hospital 🫢

This afternoon we have been into town with Jackie. indie couldn’t come because she was at the groomers so that was a shame but it did mean any treats going were all for me. Unfortunately Nix and Jackie only had coffee…no cake 😕

Meant to tell you all there is a seal on the beach at Hove where we used to live. He’s been there for three days now and he occasionally goes back in the sea and then changes his mind and comes back onto the beach. Apparently he’s quite old and he’s had to swim a long way so he’s very tired but he’s okay. His friends are waiting in the sea for him apparently 🙂 If he’s still there tomorrow we might drive over to see him. Nix will add a link if you’d like to see him.


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