We’ve Been Very Busy Today…


Today has been a busy busy and really busy day. It was a bit like Christmas because a parcel arrived from Sara Butcher and not only did it contain my new step but there were lots of presents too. I got a proper drying towel with my name on it and I got a new taggie and a new lead made by Sara. Nix got a mask with a sort of Beardie face on it so we have both been very lucky. Nix has to go out now and buy the piece of foam to go into my new step and then I can test it out, I think I’m going to like it.  

Just after the parcel arrived the man who bought the bed came to collect it. You don’t want to know what was under that bed, it was rather disgusting. At some point Nix must have dropped a mug of tea and it must have run right under the bed. This had mixed in with all the fluff and dogs hair and formed a congealed lump in the middle of the floor…quite disgusting. Along with that were six lip salves, not surprising really as she always knocks them off the bedside cabinet and can’t find them in the morning. There was also a Polo mint, a puzzle book and lots of bits of broken mug. It took Nix forever to clear it all up and I had to wait quite a while for my walk to Buckingham Park. 

The man who bought the bed didn’t have a very big van and it was a bit of a squeeze but he managed to get it in and Nix got £140…she is very pleased. While she was out on the drive trying to help, guess what I did. I’ll give you a clue…Sara has just made me a step to help me get into the car which is actually quite low. Can’t guess? I jumped up on the sofa so I could see what was going on…I did it twice. I shan’t be doing it again though because it did hurt my legs a bit but I needed to make sure Nix wasn’t going away, 

Shortly after Sara’s present arrived and the bed man had gone another parcel arrived and it was the new dress that Nix had ordered. It fits her perfectly and she is very happy. When she is happy, I am happy 🙂 She tried it on over her jeans to make sure it fits and she is very pleased. It does need a bit of an iron but I’ll post a photo anyway. 

We walked home with Rita and went to see her new flat. It was very nice and she had a very good selection of toys on a chair… it was only the one and it wasn’t my fault 😇


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