Miserable Old Day Today…

 Apparently I’m very annoying when Nix goes to the toilet. I like to stand in the doorway and stare. She thinks it’s very funny to say, “Move along there, nothing to see here…”  I don’t think that’s very funny at all and anyway she stands and stares when I do the poopies on the beach so I can’t really see the difference. There’s always a good reason for me staring and it’s usually because I think Nix is going to go out and leave me on my own. To be fair I am mostly wrong I must admit but this morning I just knew I was going to be left. Nix tries not to show it but she does get a bit anxious about it and I always spot the signs.  I give her the ‘Please don’t leave me on my own’ look and it usually works but this morning she said she wanted to go to the Ash Wednesday service at church without moi 😕 She wasn’t gone very long and I think she really enjoyed it and she’s got a black cross on her forehead which I quite like. 

It’s been quite a miserable day weather wise so we haven’t been that far. We did get down the beach this morning and I bumped into Hector.  He’s quite annoying and tries to jump all over me so I did tell him off. I had to go on my lead in the end because I do like to go down by the sea and then Nix can’t see me. I like to eat the mallow stems, they’re very yummy, all the dogs like them. 

After Nix got back from church I was able to wangle a trip over the bridge into town as she was feeling so guilty. It was very nice that we bumped into lots of friends. First of all we saw Jackie but without Indie who was at home feeling a bit sorry for herself. She had to have a lump removed from her mouth yesterday and the vet has sent it away but he doesn’t think it’s anything serious. Jackie said she tried to take her out for a little walk yesterday but she tried to come into our house. We were out buying a bed so she sat on the doorstep and wouldn’t move.  I love Indie, I hope we shall be in next time she comes a calling. Next we saw Vivian from church and then Lesley from church so it was a very nice start to our walk. We had a meander through the churchyard and then stopped off at Tom Foolery for tea and toast and who should we see in there but Crystabelle and Fiona from church too. At least Nix wasn’t the only one wearing a black cross on her forehead.


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