I Don’t Like Jumping In The Car Now πŸ˜•

I’m afraid we haven’t done that much today. Nix is worried about me not wanting to jump on anything so she is looking at some steps. I wouldn’t go up the ones she bought before so she’s found some that look easier to climb up…I’ll send you a picture. I think I might be able to get up them so Nix is just checking the measurements. The other option is a ramp because I think I would walk up one of those. Nix said we have to face facts and I’m never going to get on the bed again because it is too high. I have so many beds of my own I don’t mind but I would like to get on the sofa now and again and obviously into the car. I don’t go in the boot, I go where the back seats would normally be so it’s not really very high, I think the steps would work well and they’re made out of foam so Nix could carry them in and out of the house easily…along with my bed of course 🀣

I did manage to get in the car this morning as it was Nix’s turn to clean at the church. She hates it at the best of times but this morning it was freezing in there. I told her if she put her back into it a bit more she’d soon warm up 🀣 Fiona came and played the organ while we were there, that was very nice and she put the heating on too. 

This afternoon we were going to Brooklands Park to check out how the new cafΓ© is doing but I didn’t want to get in the car so we went to the beach instead. We came back along the river bank and went to see if they have found a boat to fit in the empty space…they haven’t. 

Nix is going to video my back leg which trembles a bit these days and I think that’s why I don’t want to jump. As most of you know I don’t have a ball joint in that hip so we are going to ask advice from Bron my vet, Nix will show her the video.


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