I’m Afraid The Dinosaur Has Bitten The Dust…


Someone is owed an apology apparently, the dinosaur has become extinct…again 🫢 It’s not my fault, I was allowed in the garden after my walk for the first time this year. It’s been warm and sunny and I haven’t had to wear any of my coats at all today. I got a bit over excited and grabbed the dinosaur on my way out and seeing as I’m not allowed to dig there’s not a lot a chap can find to do out there. I’m very sorry and to make matters worse Nix can’t remember who gave it to me. 

She is having one of those days today.  The dogs’ water bowl she leaves out kept ending up in the middle of the pavement. This morning she heard it clattering around and saw the culprit, a huge seagull, he was trying to have a bath in it. Nix has changed it for a very heavy stone one so we’ll see how that goes…or where it goes 🤣🤣🤣

Then as she was ironing the table cloths for the café she decided to iron everything else including the tea towels. She folded them up neatly and put them on the island and then managed to tip vegetable biriani all over them, every single one…they will all have to be washed again. 

Church was very good this morning…apparently, I slept through most of it. We had a very nice speaker called Daniel from Uganda who was very interesting. He works on a project for the Sesse Islands which are just off the coast there. They sometimes only get a Vicar once a year so they are training people to help out over there, it was very interesting and he said sometimes it can be once every two years…that’s not very good is it? They have also built a medical centre in a village there where children can get vaccinated and the mums can have their babies safely. They also look after teeth, I should not like that 🫢

We have just had a wander down the beach. It was quite busy, first sunny Sunday since last year. Nix decided to buy herself some Cadbury’s Chocolate Nibbles and bought the wrong ones…apparently whatever she bought is disgusting 🙄


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