Not Much Happening Today, Bit Boring Actually 🙄

 I am apparently being a little more demanding than usual. I think asking for five walks instead of four isn’t too much really and anyway I should add that it’s not working so well thus far 😕

We have been over to the vets today to collect my antibiotics, Nix says they cost half the price of an iPad…she’s obsessed 🤣 Before you all rush to your keyboards to suggest buying on line Nix has already done this. Yes it is cheaper but by the time she’s paid for the prescription and the postage it’s not hugely cheaper…she says. Of course the real reason is that if she orders them on line she has to sort out the insurance herself and she hates forms. She says her brain stops working each time she sees one so she’d rather let the vets do it along with the rest of my claim.


I have been wearing my blue jumper that Judith sent me to keep me warm when Nix is too mean to put the heating on. I was so snug this morning I wouldn’t let her take it off and I wore it to the vets where it was greatly admired. Nix said it was like her going out in her jimjams 🤣

I am preparing myself for a visit from Rita tomorrow. Last time she came she and Nix had the music on very loud and were singing and embarrassing. Worst thing is people in the street can see in and I have to face everyone when we go out. 

Now I am back on my antibiotics for a month I get custard cream balls again so Nix is just making them for me right now. She probably shouldn’t be doing it on her lap, she’s messy at the best of times 🙄


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