No Church Today 🫢

 First of all the best news. Bron my vet called today with my flush results. They are very very good I’m pleased to say. My creatinine is the lowest it’s ever been which is good and is now in range. My platelets are fine too and I had a negative bacterial culture so everything is looking very good indeed. There were a couple of crystals but that’s normal for me and nothing to worry about so all in all I am a very healthy lad. I will be taking antibiotics for one month just to keep me healthy. 

Yesterday evening we went down to the beach for sunset. It’s a really low tide so lots of sand to walk on which is very nice. In another couple of days we’ll get the low tide in the mornings so Nix and I can catch the sunrise then. When the tide is low in the mornings we often get the horses come to visit. I like it when they come, I like to watch them canter along the sand. Nix loves it too because she used to ride horses when she was younger. I found a photo of her going over a jump, she was only wearing a headscarf apparently so it’s a good job she didn’t fall off. I think she thought she looked a bit like the queen 🤣 

We had a walk down the beach this morning. I like to do my own thing as you know but for some reason Nix seems to think I ought to walk with her. I can hear her calling me but I tend to ignore that as I like walking on my own. I have a feeling she might have video’d this.

We popped into church just to sort out Tuesday’s Café but we couldn’t stay for the service as our friend Tracy was coming to visit. After Tracy left Nix and I went for a walk about town. We got stopped a few times mainly to talk about me. No one believes I am 13 and everyone thinks I look very healthy…which I am 🙂

We are home now and the sun has gone and it’s starting to get cold. Nix wants to watch Dancing on Ice so we might be having our last walk a little earlier than normal. We can walk past the  BCJ’s house to see if they’ve gone yet. We met a lady yesterday with the same sort of dog as the BCJ and she knew them. Apparently the BCJ is always getting attacked so you see it’s not just me 😇


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