Devil’s Dyke Today, Too Many Cows πŸ˜•

 Today is cold and sunny, I liked it very much. We started the day with a very early morning walk before church and I wore my flashing collar so we could go on the beach. There were quite a few dogs out and it was only 6.45am. I like to have a drink from a puddle of water at the end of our road but it was frozen solid. We got home, Nix had some breakfast and then we set off across the footbridge to St Mary’s. Nix took my new bed with us this time. She was going to send it back but has decided that as it’s a bit floppy it’s perfect for carrying across the bridge. I think it’s quite a bit heavier than the cheap pink one she bought and I could hear there was some complaining going on. It is actually very comfortable in a tight fit sort of way…I might sleep in it at home now. 

This afternoon we have been to Devils Dyke. We weren’t able to go on either of our favourite walks as there were cows everywhere. Nix won’t go anywhere near them as she insists they can be very grumpy and have seriously injured quite a few people up there. I’m not bothered by them, I can run faster than them if they decide to chase us but Nix wouldn’t stand a chance, she doesn’t do running 🀣 I had my photo taken by something called a trigpoint which has something to do with maps and is where the old hill fort used to be. It’s very high there so you would be able to see the enemy from miles away. We also had a look at a WW1 bomb testing building, you could go inside. Oh yes, there was a man flying in an armchair πŸ€”

Nix has been scrutinising the bill for my flush. Anyone would think she had to pay it when we all know the insurance company pays it…well most of it. Apparently the cheapest thing on there was the special needle they use. It’s called a Huber needle and it costs £8.34. The most expensive bit is testing my urine and that costs £119.95.  Altogether it came to almost £700 which Nix says is enough to buy a new iPad so I better start doing as I’m told 🫒


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