Nix’s iPad Has Gone Berserk 🙄

 Nix’s iPad has gone beserk, it’s quite funny really. The keyboard moved itself to the middle of the screen and Nix couldn’t move it back because you have to put pressure on the screen and it’s not very responsive…bit like moi apparently. Also she’s typing away and suddenly the whole paragraph is highlighted so when she types the next letter it deletes the whole thing. It’s a good job I can remember what was said and then she can type it all out again 😇

At our vet there is a very nice lady called Donna who looks after the insurance claims. It used to take them about three weeks to put the claim in which isn’t very good is it. Now  Nix tells Donna when there’s a claim and she puts it in the same day which is very good. Petplan have already messaged us to say it’s in hand and so Nix should have her money in a couple of days. I have suggested she go out and buy a new iPad before she has a complete nervous breakdown. At the moment there is so much masking tape holding it together she can’t hear a thing because it’s over the speaker and it’s also over the on/off switch and also the volume. She discovered last night when she tried to Zoom someone that it is also over the camera…it took her a while to work that one out 🤣🤣🤣

Café went well this morning, we had one new person…that makes two 🫢 Hopefully it will continue to grow each week. Nix had to actually do some work this morning as Edgar wasn’t there to do everything but Hilary and Janet were great helpers. It was lovely that Joy stayed on for a while after the service and Jenny also came to visit as did Jane our vicar. All in all it was a very nice morning…apparently…I slept through it. 

My hours are all thrown out now so I want to go out right now. I’m giving Nix the stare and I think it’s working. I’m sorry there aren’t really any photos because Nix kept forgetting to take them. I believe there is one of the shingle shifters as if you haven’t seen enough of them but is better than a cartoon photo of me…apparently 😉 She also just took one of me giving her the stare which I believe I have perfected 😇


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